A social enterprise is a competitive, revenue-generating business with a clear social mission. The Get A Job Kit is a social enterprise of Women’s Empowerment, a non-profit in Sacramento that educates and empowers women experiencing homelessness with the skills and confidence to get a job and excel in the workplace.
The Get A Job Kit business hires and trains women striving to overcome barriers to employment. The women gain skills in assembly, inventory control, and quality assurance. The Get A Job Kit is then sold to job readiness and educational institutions across the country to empower job seekers of all ages and backgrounds with the tips and tools they need to outshine their competitors and get the job they want.
Since 2001, The Get A Job Kit has been utilized in Women’s Empowerment’s 9-week job readiness program. To date, over 1,500 women have graduated from the program, with 83% of them securing employment by using The Get A Job Kit.
Originally created by Shirley Willey in 1993, The Get A Job Kit business was donated to Women’s Empowerment in 2014. As an entrepreneur and former owner of Etiquette and Company, Shirley developed the award-winning Get A Job Kit which has been featured on CNBC as well as in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times for empowering thousands of students, transitioning service members, ex-offenders, and at-risk youth with the tools, skills, and confidence they need to find employment.

Shirley Willey, creator of The Get A Job Kit
“When I was hired for the Get A Job Kit training program I had never had a real job, mostly because I was afraid of my own failure or inadequacy. At 26 years old with no education or training, I felt like it was impossible for me to succeed in a modern workplace. Throughout the Get A Job Kit training I kept receiving positive feedback and outstanding evaluations, finally convincing me that my own work ethic was all I needed to be a good employee. Now I have a job I love, and I am confident in my own value. Thank you to all the people at Women’s Empowerment!”
“The ‘Get A Job Kit’ program helped me in so many ways. The real work environment and having a job to complete each day let me know I could be a good employee. The program gave me the confidence to get the job I have at Amazon. Thank you to The Get A Job Kit for being the reason I succeeded.”